A new collection of galleries from our recent trip to the island of New Guinea. This collection is entitled "Papua" because each region of New Guinea carries the word Papua as part of its name and the inhabitants still generally refer to themselves as Papuans. The western half of New Guinea is part of Indonesia and is divided into two provinces - Papua and West Papua. The eastern half of New Guinea is the independent country of Papua New Guinea. The word Papua derives around 1610 from the Malay word 'papuah', which means "frizzled" or "frizzy," and was used to describe the highly curly hair of the native people.
New Guinea is the second largest island in the world (next only to Greenland), and lies just north of Australia. We spent 3 weeks in & around New Guinea, and an additional week exploring Brisbane & Sydney in Australia. Our focus on this journey was on the history, culture & beauty of this remote part of the world. As with many of our trips to far flung locales, the bulk of this adventure was with National Geographic & Lindblad Expeditions.
This collection is grouped into three galleries, one for each of the countries we visited.